P.T. INDO TRAINING provide consulting services to guide our client for:

1. Implementing and/or get certification of ISO 9001 (Quality Management System). By implementing this system to be part of your organization management system, you will get more quality of your services to your client/customer, so that your product will get good perception and you will keep your customer loyal. We will guide you step by step to enable this system in to your organization management system, guide you to prepare the document needed, train your employees to serve your customer better, to keep your product quality, so make your company's name and/or your product to be quality brand image.


2. Implementing and/or get certification of ISO 14001 (Environment Management System). By implementing this system to be part of your organization management system, you'll get good performance of your environment, and consistent to follow the government regulation regarding environment and prepare to get reward for the governemnt for your effort to keep your environment clean and safe for human and the ecosystem. This will enable you to always get the permission from the government to continue your business.


3. Implementing and/or get certification of ISO45001. By implementing this system to be part of your organization management system, you'll reduce hazards and risks at your jobsite, so, this will prevent accident/incident. By avoiding loss, you'll get more profit, and increase your health and safety for your employees performance. Health employees and safe job environment will increase the productivity for the organization.


4. Set up and develop your organization safety system from zero until its work properly either this is for your employees sake or for business purposes just like to fulfill the requirement for tender.


5. Set up and develop your organization training and learning system to be part of your management system to increase the knowledge, skill, ability and performance of your employees. Or, training your employees about skill in knowledge in management, skill and knowledge in health and safety, job motivation, and also basic knowledge about mining business, oil and gas business, manufacturing business, etc.


6. Set up and develop your organization research and development system to be part of your management system to provide data and information to develop company's strategy. Or, research and evaluate your organization activity to increase its performance, your safety system performance, your training and learning system performance, your company image, your product image, your employees performance, your program and strategy performance, etc.